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LINK Media Drop Dilbert After Creator Scott Adams Black ‘Hate Group’ Remark

NY Post just dropped him, meanwhile Post is owned by Rupert Murdoch who owns FoxNews. They have Fucker Carlson go on worse rants every night. BTW, Scott Adams quotes an unnamed source saying 'nearly half of all blacks are not okay with white people' Doesn't that mean the majority of black people are okay with white people?

barjoe 9 Feb 25

Enjoy being online again!

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I read that report and was surprised. I know cartoonists can have political leanings and I try to pick out which one has a certain one. I was surprised at this one. These people want to be able to discriminate about others now let them see how it feels. What goes around eventually comes around.


He's racist to the core.


I interact with black people every day. Most if not all are happy with me as far as I know. I try not to be a dick. Some black people may have had a bad day or not enough coffee yet and be grumpy. Or a few have poor expectations of white people for very good reasons. I have surprised many and dated a few.

Scott Adams is an idiot.

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