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I see a lot of people claiming to be God fearing. Hmmm, if God created man in His own image...God must be afraid of himself!!

farmboy2017 7 Dec 7

Enjoy being online again!

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I don't think it is (a) god they fear but something else.

I am fascinated by WWI - the war to end all wars (in actuality it was the war that started all future wars). A book titled "Dead Wake" is about the Lusitania. The captain William T. Turner's father wanted him to be a clergy man. Turner had no regard for religion and said he didn't want to deal with 'devil dodgers'.

I need to read it! I'm also interested in WW I. There's a Youtube channel where a guy lectures on it and I forget the name of the channel. Pretty interesting.

There are a lot of books on this subject. I have a small library. I have even visited Verdun twice. Ken Burns did a good documentary for PBS on the war. @farmboy2017


well... the bible explain of the two different types of mankind... the one prior to the original sin or expulsion of paradise and the one after. god claims creation of the former and makes satan carry the burden of the latter.


It was my fearing "God will punish me" via threats from my mother that led me to question the existence and purpose of the god theory.


You don't have to fear god,I think you have the wrong idea. I don't fear something that gave me life.

Right. Biology gave me life and I do not fear biology.


It goes a bit deeper than that,you'd have to add chemistry and physics in there too,our you'd fall apart molecularly. Overall you cannot rule out the concious brain either,we havent explained how that works entirely yet.This is the actual trick we are all falling for,by taking ourselves too literally. I say trick, because reality is not what it appears to be,see here

We tend to take a physical view only of this universe and us in it. We are not "in" the universe as a separate entity, we are the universe,or at least part of it.


I dislike the phrase "God Fearing". It is exact opposite of Love. When there is Fear there is no Love. A Christian would defend this by changing the definition of Fear to "it doesn't really mean fear, it means respect." I would call bullpoopy on it.

I also call poopy on it!


Entirely logical.

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