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One of the great scientists . . . . Max Planck

Archeus_Lore 7 Feb 28

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He was one of the greatest scientists of all time, but also a Christian with a religious world-view. How strange...

Here's a quote
"All matter originates and exists only by a force which makes the atomic particles vibrate and holds them together to the tiniest solar system of the universe. But since there is neither an intelligent force nor an eternal force in the whole universe - mankind has not succeeded in inventing the much longed-for perpetual motion machine - we must assume a conscious intelligent spirit behind this force. This spirit is the primal ground of all matter. Not the visible, but perishable matter is the real, true, actual - because matter would not exist at all without the spirit - but the invisible, immortal spirit is the true!

But since there cannot be spirit in itself, too, but every spirit belongs to a being, we must necessarily assume spirit beings. But since also spirit beings cannot be from themselves, but must be created, so I do not hesitate to name this mysterious creator just as all culture peoples of the earth of former millennia have called him: God! With it the physicist, who has to deal with the matter, comes from the realm of the substance into the realm of the spirit. And with this our task is over, and we must pass on our research into the hands of philosophy."

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