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LINK How the War in Ukraine Ends | The New Yorker

Long but interesting read, however after all that it doesn't conclude the premise of the title line.

barjoe 9 Mar 1

Enjoy being online again!

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It's basically just a string of false arguments. A wonderful example of MSM propaganda. Lists the guys creds at the top, bad sign. Then the whole first paragraph is an argument from authority, the reader is supposed to be impressed by his credentials. The second paragraph goes off the rails immediately. Yes, the war has been a catastrophe, wars usually are. The implication is a catastrophe for Russia, but no evidence is given. Then a giant straw man argument ... Putin tried to take over Ukraine and failed. Um, if Putin was trying to conquer Ukraine he would have invaded with vastly more troops. Not to mention it's a crazy idea and Putin has never been a fool. It's far more likely (and consistent with the facts and sound military strategy) that the Russian incursions near Kyiv were to draw Ukrainian forces away from the southern and eastern areas of Ukraine, the areas Russia did want to occupy. I couldn't read past that, but no doubt a string of false arguments to the end. Highly persuasive to those who already agree and don't know how to watch out for false arguments. Sigh. Like the typical FOX, MSNBC, etc, viewer.

Fox? FoxNews and their hosts are entirely in agreement with everything you wrote. If you emailed it to the right person at Fox, someone might read your comment verbatim on the air.


Thanks for the article. Much to digest as it’s a quite deep assessment.


Pure unadulterated propaganda, no surprise you like it.

At least Putin has honored Steven Seagal with a humanitarian award. About time. Seagal’s political choices are about as good (and unrecognized) as his acting. Looks like he’s heavily invested in black hair and beard dye manufacture, maybe now an oligarch in that niche market.


I wonder if he will hang with his old BFF JCVD over there at some martial arts events.

@Druvius Donald Trump, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Tulsi Gabbard and Tucker Carlson are lock step with you sucking up to the Russian Federation and their autocratic oligarch, tyrannical dictator, Vladimir Putin.

@Scott321 Nothing tops Trump giving Rush Limbaugh the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

@Druvius Well you got me there. Seagal isn’t that horrible a person.

@Druvius Whataboutism. So it's okay for Putin to honor a psychotic traitor like Steven Seagal because Donald Fuckity-Fuck Trump gave the medal of freedom to a living corpse, Rush Limbaugh

@Scott321 Steven Seagal is plenty horrible of a person.

I would like to see JCVD kick his ass in a bar fight, sure. But I wouldn’t piss on his grave. And that doesn’t mean I’m a fan of JCVD. Seagal is a shithead.

@Scott321 Steven Seagall is getting pretty old, but as much as I hate to say it, I think Steven Seagall would kick the living crap out of Jean-Claude Van Damme.

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