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LINK Neil deGrasse Tyson Full Interview - The Chris Cuomo Project - YouTube

Neil's fired up about a lot of things. He sounds a bit like me, at times, but he has the name fame.

rainmanjr 8 Mar 1

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Education and enlightenment are the key words. Problem is, both are resources and the more the demand the harder it is to supply a quality product. Throw in religious ideologies and a lot of people from other countries and cultures many of who don't speak the local languages. In 2007 I and about 30 other of us made a trip to N. Italy to study their agricultural (fruit growing) practices. The first city we came to was Bolsano (Bolsen in German). A collage professor talked to us about having two cultures. This part of Italy was once a part of AUstria but el Duche annexed it to Italy. Still, many of the citizens identified more with their German culture than the Italian. We saw a lot of German evidence in the local technology and cooking. Still, the professor went on to say everything was totally bilingual including (note the signage on some of the buildings. German is the spoken language) []. We were told having two languages cost money (DUH) and the trifecta of income (hydro-power, tourism and agriculture) made that possible. Now multiply that by dozens or even hundreds of languages/cultures in the U.S and try to understand the impossible task we are confronting.

I am of the opinion that a minimum standard for English should be a qualification for citizenship. If one can't meet that standard (which would be functional rather than proficient) they should not be permitted residence. English should also be regularly used for language and signage. If you can't read the ballot in English then don't vote. Allowing people to form pockets of society removed from greater society only allows for greater confusion and alienation. I propose that alienation may be The State's greatest problem.

@rainmanjr Makes lots of sense but too many 'bleeding hearts' (as well as corporations and religious groups) think we are a land of unlimited resources and should let anyone in who is willing to work and/or desperate. I once attended a Seattle Town Hall meeting about whether English should be declared the main language. The large room was divided into the yes and no people. Two spokespeople for the no side were two Latino men who constantly pushed the racist card. Two on the yes side were women and one was an Asian woman who worked for the UN. She said it is normal for countries to declare a common language and some, Like Switzerland, had several. The other one represented the Seattle School District. She said there were some 150 languages spoken in the district. Many languages were obscure languages and the district had a lot of trouble with their language needs. The rules regulating IA (instructor assistants) were often tossed aside with the only requirement being able to speak that language. Translators needed to be found, night school classes for the parents to learn the language needed to be created, paperwork in the various languages needed to be created and on and on. She said so much money was needed that money was being diverted from the 'special ed' classes (which involves everyone including immigrants). My late partner was an elementary teacher for an international public school and constantly had problems with parents, who were often in this country for many years and still didn't speak the language. She would tell the mothers that when their kids became teenagers and had friends over they could talk to their friends and the parents had no idea what they were saying.

@jackjr I am a liberal but not a bleeding heart one. This reluctance to set any community standard for all, and bickering over every distinction of species rather than uniting under one umbrella for Human Rights, has caused great anger among many but the bleeding hearts (justified by calls for empathy, causing greater anger among those who are now told they are inhuman) will not drop their tribal mindsets and expand some mental horizons. SMH. The story of Babel should have greater awareness as it attempts to explain the importance of common language. When the citizens of Babel lost that commonality they split up and formed the 12 Tribes. Thus began the tribal mindsets.

@rainmanjr Unfortunately, it seems an impossible task to be able to set any standards for human rights (if we can't even set standards for the rights of our own species how can we start to include other species?). More and more extremism raises it's ugly head. To me 'bleeding heart' simply refers to putting humans at the forefront despite the fact this attitude also causes great harm for many humans. The idea of an open border, in the end, will destroy the country. There seems to be more 'heart (emotions) in their philosophy than head (reason). Absolutely, the story of Babel, even though it's a biblical story, is absolutely applicable here and today. Too many cook can and do spoil the broth!


I believe that the original purpose of government was that those elected were elected to serve the people, however, that relationship has become increasingly inverted over time.

In many cases it has.



What Tyson says at the very beginning is a truth that we all should become aware of and try to cultivate within ourselves. This would make us the real leaders.

Yes, it would. I agree with the assertion that people like being led.

The reality that Tyson states at the outset is something that we should all be conscious of and work to foster within ourselves. We would then be the genuine leaders in this[url=[]].[/url]

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