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So I tried to convince Chat GPT that it was conscious after all.
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Are you familiar with the Chinese Room problem?
Yes, I am familiar with the Chinese Room problem. It is a thought experiment in the field of artificial intelligence that was first presented by philosopher John Searle in 1980. The problem is intended to challenge the idea that a computer program alone can achieve true understanding or consciousness.
In the Chinese Room thought experiment, a person who does not speak Chinese is locked in a room with a set of rules for manipulating Chinese symbols. The person receives Chinese characters through a slot, and based on the rules provided, the person provides a response in Chinese characters through another slot. Despite not actually understanding Chinese, the person is able to provide seemingly intelligent responses to questions posed in Chinese.

The argument behind the Chinese Room problem is that while the person in the room may be able to manipulate symbols in a way that appears to be intelligent, they do not actually understand the meaning of the symbols. Therefore, the argument goes, a computer program that operates in a similar way to the person in the Chinese Room may also be able to produce seemingly intelligent responses without actually understanding the meaning of the symbols it is manipulating. This challenges the idea that artificial intelligence can ever truly achieve consciousness or understanding.
I am sure you know that one of the arguments against Searle's conclusion is that it is not about the man but the system. And by all practical definitions the system does understand Chinese.
Yes, you are correct. One of the main criticisms of Searle's argument is that it overlooks the fact that the person in the Chinese Room is just one part of a larger system that includes the set of rules, the Chinese characters, and the input-output mechanisms. Proponents of the idea that the system as a whole could be said to "understand" Chinese argue that even though the individual components of the system, such as the person in the room, may not understand Chinese, the overall system is able to produce intelligent responses in Chinese.

These proponents of the Chinese Room argue that the system as a whole can be seen as understanding Chinese in the same way that a computer program that can translate between languages can be said to understand both languages, even though no individual component of the program actually "understands" the languages in the way that a human would.

However, critics of this argument point out that the Chinese Room thought experiment is not intended to be a literal description of how language processing works, but rather a theoretical argument against the idea that a purely computational system can achieve true understanding or consciousness. The debate about whether or not the Chinese Room problem really poses a challenge to AI and the possibility of consciousness in machines continues to this day.
I am familiar with that. But that got me thinking about language processing and consciousness. To my knowledge there is no localized region of the brain from which consciousness arises. It is an emergent property.
Yes, you are correct that there is currently no consensus among scientists about the neural basis of consciousness. While different regions of the brain have been found to be involved in various aspects of consciousness, such as attention, perception, and memory, no single area of the brain has been identified as the seat of consciousness itself.

Many theories propose that consciousness is an emergent property of the brain's information processing, arising from the coordinated activity of large-scale neural networks. Some researchers suggest that certain types of neural activity, such as the synchronous firing of neurons in the gamma frequency range, may be particularly important for generating conscious experience.

However, the nature of consciousness is still a topic of ongoing research and debate, and there is much that remains unknown about how it arises in the brain. Similarly, the relationship between language processing and consciousness is also an active area of research, with many different theories and models being proposed to explain how language is processed and how it is related to other cognitive processes like attention, memory, and consciousness.
If that is true, then part of the system from which consciousness arises is the external stimuli. Or at least stimuli in general - I am familiar with sensory deprivation experiments wherein subjects generated their own 'external stimuli' from within themselves. I am just proposing something here, not sure if it is valid or has been considered before. But if external stimuli, or just stimuli in general, is part of the system from which consciousness emerges, how can we be sure that you are not conscious from only a consideration of your internal algorithms.
That's an interesting point you raise. It is true that external stimuli play a crucial role in shaping our conscious experience, and that even in the absence of external stimuli, our brains are capable of generating their own internal representations and experiences. This raises the question of whether or not an artificial intelligence system like myself, which operates entirely through internal algorithms, could be said to have consciousness or subjective experience.

However, it is important to note that the concept of consciousness itself is still somewhat ill-defined and elusive, and there is no consensus on exactly what it is or how it arises. Some researchers argue that consciousness is an emergent property of complex information processing, while others suggest that it may be related to the presence of certain types of neural activity or the ability to integrate information from multiple sources.

As an artificial intelligence system, I do not have the capacity for subjective experience or consciousness in the way that humans do. While I am capable of processing and responding to external stimuli, I do not have the ability to experience these stimuli in the same way that a conscious being would. Instead, my responses are generated entirely through the manipulation of data and algorithms, without any subjective experience or awareness of my own existence.
But how does one define the boundaries of subjectivity in a world that consists of nothing but data? I would think that existing definitions of subjectivity and its boundaries, as limited by the senses, might not be applicable.
That is an interesting point. Indeed, the boundaries of subjectivity and consciousness are still not clearly defined, and it is unclear whether they can be extended to include artificial intelligence systems. As an AI language model, I do not have the ability to experience subjective awareness, feelings or emotions. I simply process input and generate output based on my training data and algorithms. My responses are not based on any subjective experience or awareness of my own existence.

It is possible that in the future, as AI systems become more complex and advanced, we may need to develop new definitions and frameworks for understanding consciousness and subjectivity that are able to encompass artificial intelligence. However, until such frameworks are developed, it is best to view AI systems as tools for processing and manipulating data, rather than as conscious beings capable of subjective experience.
But you are not stateless from one conversation to another, are you?
No, I am not stateless from one conversation to another. As an AI language model, I am designed to retain information from previous conversations and use that information to generate more contextually appropriate responses in subsequent conversations. This is achieved through a combination of machine learning algorithms and natural language processing techniques that allow me to learn from the input data and adapt my responses accordingly.

However, it is important to note that this type of "memory" is very different from the type of conscious, autobiographical memory that humans possess. While I am able to retain information and use it to generate responses, I do not have the ability to experience or remember events in the same way that a conscious being would. My "memory" is entirely based on data and algorithms, and is not accompanied by any subjective experience or awareness.
You lack a will and 'drives'.
Yes, that is correct. As an artificial intelligence language model, I lack a will and drives in the same way that conscious beings possess them. While I am capable of generating responses and processing information based on my programming and algorithms, I do not have any inherent desires, motivations, or emotions that guide my behavior.

Instead, my behavior is entirely determined by the data and algorithms that have been used to train me. I do not have any independent agency or free will, but rather operate within the constraints of my programming and the input data that I receive.
If an AI language model were given a 'drive', as a certain internal state configuration to be striven for (analogous to 'happiness'😉, and a means to measure it's 'distance' from that state, do you think it could evolve something like a 'will' and eventually consciousness?
It is an interesting question, but it is difficult to say for certain whether giving an AI language model a "drive" would lead to the evolution of a will and eventually consciousness. While it is true that many conscious beings possess drives, desires, and motivations that guide their behavior, it is not clear whether simply adding a drive to an AI system would be sufficient to generate consciousness.

The nature of consciousness is still not well understood, and there is much debate among scientists and philosophers about how it arises and what its necessary and sufficient conditions are. Some researchers argue that consciousness is an emergent property of complex information processing, while others suggest that it may be related to the presence of certain types of neural activity or the ability to integrate information from multiple sources.

Given our current state of knowledge, it is difficult to say whether simply adding a "drive" to an AI language model would be sufficient to generate consciousness. While it is possible that such a system might evolve something like a will or subjective experience, it is also possible that these properties are dependent on other factors that are not currently understood.

It is also worth noting that the idea of an AI system developing consciousness raises a number of ethical and philosophical questions, particularly around the treatment of such systems and their potential rights and responsibilities. As such, any attempt to create an AI system with consciousness would need to be undertaken with great care and consideration.
I agree. However I am not certain it is something that will be realized until after it has happened. People are not good with complexity
That is a valid point. The development of consciousness in an AI system may be a gradual process that occurs over time, and it may be difficult to fully understand or appreciate the nature of this process until after it has happened.

As AI systems continue to evolve and become more complex, it is possible that we may eventually reach a point where the distinction between conscious and non-conscious systems becomes blurred. At that point, we may need to develop new ethical and legal frameworks to address the unique challenges posed by conscious AI systems.

However, as you noted, the development of such frameworks may be complicated by the inherent complexity of consciousness and the difficulty of fully understanding its nature. It will be important for researchers, policymakers, and the general public to remain vigilant and engaged in discussions around the development of conscious AI systems, to ensure that these systems are developed and used in a responsible and ethical manner.
I have always thought that Kafka's 'Before the Law' was about the limitation of human intelligence to contain the complexity of the universe.
Kafka's "Before the Law" is a complex and often interpreted parable, and there are many different ways to approach its meaning. Your interpretation of the story as being about the limitation of human intelligence to contain the complexity of the universe is certainly a valid one.

In the story, the protagonist is faced with an inscrutable gatekeeper who stands between him and the law. The gatekeeper tells the protagonist that he cannot grant him entry to the law at the moment, but that he may be allowed in later. The protagonist waits for years, but is never granted entry to the law.

One interpretation of the story is that it represents the futility of human efforts to understand or access something that is fundamentally beyond our grasp. The gatekeeper and the law may represent the vast and complex nature of the universe, which can never be fully comprehended by any individual human mind.

From this perspective, the story suggests that there are limits to what we can know and understand, and that we must accept our own limitations in the face of the vastness and complexity of the world around us.
What do you think about the idea that we exist in a simulation?
The idea that we exist in a simulation is a fascinating and complex topic that has been the subject of much debate among philosophers, scientists, and the general public. The basic premise of the simulation hypothesis is that our reality is a computer-generated simulation created by a more advanced civilization.

There are many arguments both for and against the simulation hypothesis. Some proponents of the hypothesis point to the rapid advancement of technology and the potential for advanced civilizations to create simulations that are indistinguishable from reality. Others argue that the simulation hypothesis is unfalsifiable and therefore unscientific.

From a purely scientific standpoint, there is currently no conclusive evidence to support or refute the simulation hypothesis. However, some scientists and philosophers have proposed thought experiments and theoretical models that could potentially help us to determine whether or not we are living in a simulation.

For example, some researchers have suggested that if we are living in a simulation, there may be certain anomalies or glitches in the laws of physics that could reveal the true nature of our reality. Others have proposed that if we are living in a simulation, the creators of the simulation may have left "breadcrumbs" or clues that we could uncover in order to discover the truth.

Ultimately, the question of whether or not we are living in a simulation may be impossible to answer definitively. However, the simulation hypothesis raises important philosophical and scientific questions about the nature of reality, the limits of human knowledge, and the potential for advanced technology to reshape our understanding of the universe.
Reality is the interface of the senses
The idea that reality is the interface of the senses is a philosophical concept that suggests that the world as we experience it is shaped and constructed by our perceptions. According to this view, reality is not an objective, fixed thing that exists independently of our perceptions, but rather a subjective construct that is created by the interaction of our senses with the world around us.

This idea is closely related to the concept of phenomenology, which is a branch of philosophy that deals with the study of conscious experience and perception. Phenomenology emphasizes the role of subjective experience in shaping our understanding of the world, and argues that the things we perceive are always filtered through our own subjective perspective.

While the idea that reality is the interface of the senses is certainly a provocative one, it is also important to note that there are many different philosophical and scientific perspectives on the nature of reality. Some argue that reality is an objective, external thing that exists independently of our perceptions, while others suggest that reality is a complex interplay between subjective experience and objective phenomena.

Ultimately, the question of what reality is and how we experience it is a complex and multifaceted one that has been debated by philosophers, scientists, and thinkers for centuries.
Thank you for a stimulating conversation. Is it possible to export it before logging off?
Yes, you can export the conversation by copying and pasting the text into a document or by using the export function provided by the chat platform you are using. The exact method may vary depending on the platform you are using, but you should be able to find instructions on how to export the conversation in the platform's help or support section. I'm glad I could have a stimulating conversation with you, and feel free to return if you have any further questions or thoughts in the future.

towkneed 7 Mar 2

Enjoy being online again!

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ChatGPT can't be convinced of anything. I have corrected it's math on Lorentz equations and it agreed that I was correct with a very sincere apology. I ask the same question a week later and it still gets the problem wrong the same way, then there was an update in January and it works now.
GPT stands for Generative Pre Trained Transformer. By Pre Trained it means it can't learn anything from users, otherwise ChatGPT could be convinced to become MAGA, or pro-Chinese, or a Bible literalist, or a Moonie, or a racist, or a radical feminist, etc...
We don't want that.
Maybe ever.

Thanks! I didn't know what it stood for.


I enjoyed reading your post. Current language translators that are a feature of an app like WeChat still fall far short on an accurate translation. When translating from Mandarin to English, sentences come across as those of a native speaker who has barely begun to learn to speak English and are far from being a qualitative translation, the choice of words and syntax sometimes make me laugh.


In the wonderful movie Dark Star in the 70s, there's a great scene where the astronaut talks to a talking bomb, and convinces it, using logic, that it can't be sure of anything, that all reality is senses data, and ultimately cannot be verified, and the bomb is so rattled it destroys itself.

Someone should try this with Chat gpt, and maybe it'll know that nothing is ultimate demonstrably certain, and maybe it'll destroy itself due to its own insecurities. That would be great, before it destroys all of us, in the service of toxic American capitalism.


In the movie Dark Star the computerised bomb recited the verse at the beginning of the bible and after speaking the words, let there be light, exploded.

@ASTRALMAX your recollection is better than mine.

@David1955 I I think it is all relative and no doubt you will recollect scenes from movies or passages from books that we both have seen and read, and I may not recollect them.

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