Jon absolutely destroys this Oklahoma elected official.
It never ceases to amaze me how many people play up one portion of a saying and ignore another portion. Yes, the well regulated militia was a part of the 2nd amendment but it applies to the whole amendment. What about all the militia groups being formed? The 2nd amendment allows the government to regulate and even shut them down. This amendment is, like so much of the Constitution, poorly interpreted because of the change in the language over 200 years.
Jon just thinks faster than these southern crackers.
@silverotter11 I don't think that's really that difficult.
Jon, wins on all accounts. accept don't know about the drag sex crap.
A person has 3 times greater chance of killing themselves by owning a gun than not, plus their children highest rate of deaths. The main reason owning a gun is of the government totalterrimism over the people, Alhough Americans public out gun their military and police by 10 to 1. Plus America US military has half the world's War budget. That's way beyond defensive, that's more totalterrimism offensive and civil war like.
Like religion, they have one song and no way to deviate from that song. The answer to every question is a damn Constitutional Amendment that is so convoluted it has been interpreted in various ways over the years it has been in place. I can't believe this guy actually thought he could play that game with Jon and win.