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I found another agnostic group that has a multi universe of nonbelievers. Here it is:[]

K9JetLee999 5 Mar 8

Enjoy being online again!

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A Discord channel agnostic/humanist which I urge everybody to at least sign up to prepare for the inevitable when this site dies.


You must have time on your hands & nothing better to do in life. . . Life doesn't last long.

Though looking at your profile if you were locked out from here I'd go looking for alternative interaction.

@FrayedBear There is no longer an Admin. Because of that it probably will just cease to be, at one point. Guess nothing lasts forever. I'll enjoy using the site for the time being but many people may want to contact "former members" and friends. I know I would. Even you @FrayedBear

@barjoe there was a whole bunch led by Raven who went to fbuk. They were just as obnoxious as the trolls on here & from memory threw me out or blocked me.
I've noticed the last few days that messaging hear has stopped & today my profile seems to be unlocatable coming up with a 404 message.
Perhaps I should get my fbuk folkie mate to set up an ex chums group?


This is from the Q&A I guess for newbies and I like it already.

"Do not quote Bible verses in this forum. It is generally inappropriate".

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