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You really can't argue with his logic...

FrostyJim 8 Mar 15

Enjoy being online again!

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Yep, that one is going to be a bit hard for the religiosplainers to explain away.


I really can.

There are much better reasons to not believe in a personal god than this.

skado Level 9 Mar 15, 2023

I recently received a copy of the 'Nature Conservancy" magazine. One topic was the unforgiving nature we live in. A picture was shown of a female lion with a dead monkey in it's mouth. Clinging to the female monkey, was it's newly born baby. We need to remember nature has no feelings whatsoever for any of her creations.

. . . I have a copy of that photo somewhere . . . but this is not it, ha ha

@Archeus_Lore Wonder how the ARC and bible museum answers to this?

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