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This just might not be funny! Truth hurts.

MerlinZap 8 Mar 17

Enjoy being online again!

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First known appearance of this fake meme is on an anonymous faceboot post dated February 25, 2023


Stupid meme.... just nonsense. And Darwin never said or wrote something like that.


There's no evidence Darwin said it and there's no evidence that he didn't.

The evidence is it didn't show up until 2023... he never said it and that's a fact.
Jeeze! It even violates his theory.. No this is 1000% fake.
Any idiot should understand that clearly.
It takes a special type of idiot to not see it.

@Willow_Wisp You're not that special.


This meme is fake, originally posted on facebook as a Darwin quote about liberals.
It's a lie no matter who uses it.
Don't do this kind of stupidity, it lowers the national IQ.
Darwin NEVER said anything like this.


Were you aware the meme does not attribute Darwin to this.

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