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LINK Candace Owens Receives Backlash After Making Controversial Comments About A SKIMS Ad Featuring A Model In Wheelchair

People with mobility issues should be hidden according to right wingers.

They certainly shouldn't be allowed pretty underwear or dare to ever feel sexy.

Just when I think these people can't do something newly awful to piss me off.

BufftonBeotch 8 Mar 23

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Owens is a simpleton, trying desperately to hold on to her 15 minutes.


60 years ago or less she would have never seen anyone that looked like her in an ad for anything! Nor would she have seen anyone with her skin color win an Academy Award, Golden Globe or in any sitcoms, or game shows. Dramas, her skin color would have only been the bad guys, drug dealers and pirates. But I guess you got to do what you got to do to get ahead in the Party of choice for the White Nationalists.

I can't understand people that seek favor, for a few scraps, to please the elite; while betraying the interests of their own.


So much hatred. Trump made fun of a disabled reporter in his 2016 campaign. I think these hateful people like Candace Owens want to push the envelope as far as they can. Ableism. As bad as it gets.

That was horrible. There were so many horrible things. The mocking the disabled.

The harassment and taunting of a Gold Star widow.

It became apparent, that the Maghats loved cruelty.


The mind, formerly boggled, reels uncontrollably.

The cruelty is preferred.

@BufftonBeotch Sadly yes, lack of empathy on the right is a feature, not a glitch.


What a disgusting excuse for a human being she is.

Even worse than Condoleezza Rice showing off shopping for thousands of dollars in shoes while American bodies were trapped in attics and floating in streets in New Orleans.



Those people are in the hate anybody different business.🤬

It is what they do.

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