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LINK More Americans think Trump should face charges in hush money scandal: poll | The Hill

More Americans than not believe that former President Trump should face charges in the Manhattan district attorney’s investigation into a hush money payment he made before the 2016 election, according to a new The Economist/YouGov poll.

Forty-six percent of respondents to the survey said that Trump, who over the weekend had said he expected to be arrested on Tuesday in the probe, should be indicted for his actions, compared to 34 percent who said he shouldn’t. The remaining 20 percent were unsure.

Only 14 percent of registered Republicans who responded said that Trump should face criminal charges over the payment to adult film performer Stormy Daniels, while 63 percent said he should not. By comparison, 77 percent of Democrat respondents said the former president should be charged, with 11 percent saying he shouldn’t.

Charges also have the support of 44 percent of Independents, compared to 30 percent who said Trump should not charged.

Among all respondents, 69 percent said a political candidate paying someone for their silence is a crime, and 74 percent said it’s a crime “for a candidate to fail to report spending campaign money on payments to keep someone silent about an issue that may affect the outcome of an election.”

Both questions, however, saw double-digit drops in “yes” responses from Republicans over the past week.

The survey comes as the New York grand jury investigating the hush money payment saw a scheduled Wednesday meeting canceled, with jurors reportedly told to be on standby to report Thursday.

Trump and many of his fellow Republicans have denounced the probe as a witch hunt and say any charges would be purely political in nature.

The Economist/YouGov poll was conducted from March 19 to 21 with a total of 1,500 respondents participating in the survey. The poll’s margin of error was 3.3 percentage points.

(This does not bode well for Trump's chances of ever being president again. LOL.)

snytiger6 9 Mar 23

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No they don’t.

Where are your figures? Where is YOUR survey? Where is your link?
I am sick to the back teeth of MAGA knobheads spouting crap out of their arses and claiming it to be "alternative facts". No, it is not alternative facts, it is shit, not even bull but just shit.
Just because you are so fucking dumb as to believe the big orange shitter number one when he comes out with crap like "The generals came to me and said "we have no bullets"" or "I can de-classify documents with my mind" or "I woz robbed of the 2020 election...wah", You think that all you have t do is say something for it to become so. Well sorry but "No they don't" puts you on about the same level of credulity as a pantomime dame.

I'm either walking through a hospital or a private practice most days and get to hear multiple conversations six to seven days a week. 99% of the people that I hear believe it's political BS.
Enjoy your sickness.

@CourtJester But that s anecdotal from fucking Alabama. Not exactly a great cross-section of American opinion. I bet you could find a reasonable percentage that thinks the south won the civil war.
I wonder how many of those intellectual giants think that dinosaurs are not real?


In the past few months I’ve spent a week working in Chicago and Oklahoma City and i’ve yet to hear a single supporter aside from online and TV new channels.
Not buying it.

@CourtJester Well that concludes it then, except that you did not say "I'm not buying it" you said, "no they don't". Note not even "No they don't IMHO". So tell me Mr arbiter of truth, just how many people did you meet who voted illegally in the 2020 election? I mean it was thousands right, so you must have come across a few otherwise you would not have just taken Trump's word for it. I mean he did not even have the proof listed here by the OP. So you must have met them and I suppose turned them in for the reward, right? So how much did you get?


LOL, what, exactly do they think he should be charged with? I loathe Trump but this case seems like a non starter. And I'm pretty sure this could be the best thing that happens to him getting elected wise, the right LOVES portraying themselves as victims.

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