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The difference between truth and faith . . .

Archeus_Lore 7 Mar 23

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He argued that truth is impossible—there can only be perspective and interpretation, driven by a person's interests or 'will to power'.
And: Life is often served greater by error than by truth. Truth, Nietzsche argues, is not good for its own sake; rather, it is only good to the extent that it serves life.
He wrote somewhere that our modern obsession with Truth is a Christian (!) legacy.

How did he square that with the OP quote? Was he actually recommending faith over truth in the quote?

@skado I doubt that the OP quote is authentic. It does not sound like Nietzsche


Sounds like Ol’ Neech was not a happy camper.

skado Level 9 Mar 23, 2023

He had a pretty rough life, health-wise, and relationship-wise. Generally though, his outlook on life itself was far more postive with regard to life than average, and far more positive toward the world in general than I will ever be. This is one of the best videos I have seen about him. []


Nietzsche hurts the brain. I need to read "Thus Spake Zarathustra" again.

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