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LINK Trump Escalates Violent Rhetoric, Says Indictment Will Result in 'Potential Death & Destruction'

After previously calling on his supporters to protest and “take our country back” ahead of his possible indictment and arrest, Donald Trump stepped up his incendiary rhetoric on Friday, warning that there will be “potential death & destruction” if he is charged with a crime.

“What kind of person can charge another person, in this case a former President of the United States, who got more votes than any sitting President in history, and leading candidate (by far!) for the Republican Party nomination, with a Crime, when it is known by all that NO Crime has been committed, & also known that potential death & destruction in such a false charge could be catastrophic for our Country?,” Trump posted on Truth Social. “Why & who would do such a thing? Only a degenerate psychopath that truely hates the USA!”

The latest rant comes after the former president previously called out Manhattan district attorney Alvin Bragg in a Thursday morning post, writing: “EVERYBODY KNOWS I’M 100% INNOCENT, INCLUDING BRAGG, BUT HE DOESN’T CARE. HE IS JUST CARRYING OUT THE PLANS OF THE RADICAL LEFT LUNATICS. OUR COUNTRY IS BEING DESTROYED, AS THEY TELL US TO BE PEACEFUL!”

Bragg is tasked with overseeing the Stormy Daniels case, in which Trump is being investigated for allegedly using campaign funds to pay hush money to the adult film actress during his 2016 presidential run.

In a letter to Bragg, Ohio representative Jim Jordan and other GOP members accused the DA’s office of “investigating President Trump since at least 2018, looking for some legal theory on which to bring charges.” The missive charged that Bragg was planning to bring “a so-called zombie case” against Trump after federal prosecutors decided that only former Trump fixer Michael Cohen would face charges in the matter.

Cohen pleaded guilty in the scheme and was sentenced to three years in prison. He was released after serving about a year in the midst of the pandemic and completed the term under home confinement in November 2021.

The Manhattan DA’s office pushed back against the GOP’s accusations on Thursday, calling the letter “an unprecedented inquiry into a pending local prosecution.”

“The letter only came after Donald Trump created a false expectation that he would be arrested the next day and his lawyers reportedly urged you to intervene. Neither fact is a legitimate basis for congressional inquiry,” the response reads.

Bragg has pledged that his office will “publicly state the conclusion of our investigation—whether we conduct our work without bringing charges, or move forward with an indictment.”

In addition to the Stormy Daniels case, Trump faces potential indictment from two separate cases in Georgia over allegedly trying to illegally sway the outcome of the 2020 presidential election and in Florida and Washington D.C. over allegedly taking classified documents from the White House when his term ended. Trump announced earlier this year that he would run for president in 2024.

snytiger6 9 Mar 24

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He still owes cities MILLIONS for having rallies in their states. []


Throw him in jail and let us move on with our lives. I tired of hearing about what this jack ass is doing to get attention.


I say if indicting him causes that, then bring it on, time we got on with our delayed civil war, so we can all find out if living out the rest of our natural lives will be worth it, at least if we stay in the US.

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