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One of the most comical things about the believers in some omnipotent "god", is that they claim that this "god" is so powerful, that it can create the whole universe, the world itself, and all the animals including humans on it, but cannot even stand up for itself against those who criticize or disbelieve in it, and has to have puny little humans to defend it . . . . which would likely be a huge insult to the said putative entity, if it really did exist, and makes those who claim to support this non-existent claimed entity to look altogether comically foolish.

Archeus_Lore 7 Mar 25

Enjoy being online again!

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Blasphemy laws are so ridiculous. They are basically saying their all powerful god is so sensitive to criticism that we need laws to protect the all powerful one. Feelings may be hurt lol

puff Level 8 Mar 25, 2023

Yes, the singularity believers thinking that a 1 divided by a 0 of infinate mathmatical power created the scientific space-time bubble that created every thing, Its just too funny for those that knows and understands math. You just cannot divide 1 by 0, call it god and expect to get everything. One of these days, the belief in the big bang scientific creation myth will just go "bang" in peoples face for them to realize just how funny it is to believe in such nonsense foolishness.

Word Level 8 Mar 25, 2023

Spot on.


One of the most comical things about the believers in some omnipotent "nature", is that they claim that this "nature" is so powerful, that it can create the whole universe, the world itself, and all the animals including humans on it, but cannot even stand up for itself against those who criticize or disbelieve in it, and has to have puny little humans to defend it . . . . which would likely be a huge insult to the said putative entity, if it really did exist, and makes those who claim to support this non-existent claimed entity to look altogether comically foolish.

skado Level 9 Mar 25, 2023
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