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Just ran across this! From ChatGPT: "ὑπάρξαι" (hyparxai) is a Greek verb in the aorist tense, and it means "to exist" or "to be present". It is derived from the Greek noun "ὑπάρξις" (hyparxis), which means "existence" or "being". The term is commonly used in philosophical contexts, particularly in the field of ontology, which is the branch of metaphysics concerned with the study of existence. In existentialist philosophy, the term "existence precedes essence" ἡ ὑπάρξις προηγεῖται τῆς οὐσίας is a key concept, meaning that individuals are not born with an inherent purpose or nature, but instead must create their own meaning and purpose through their choices and actions.

Archeus_Lore 7 Mar 26

Enjoy being online again!

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From an aorist perspective it was all greek to you before and after a timeless experience.

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