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LINK Predictions about the decline of Christianity in America may be premature | CNN

For years, church leaders and commentators have warned that Christianity is dying in America. They say the American church is poised to follow the path of churches in Western Europe: soaring Gothic cathedrals with empty pews, shuttered church buildings converted into skate parts and nightclubs, and a secularized society where one theologian said Christianity as a norm is “probably gone for good — or at least for the next 100 years.”

Yet when CNN asked some of the nation’s top religion scholars and historians recently about the future of Christianity in the US, they had a different message.

They said the American church is poised to find new life for one major reason: Waves of Christians are migrating to the US.

Thibaud70 7 Apr 8

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"Yet when CNN asked some of the nation’s top religion scholars and historians recently about the future of Christianity in the US, they had a different message."

Yes well they would, would they not, their living depends on it
rule one in business
You never admit to the punters that your boss's product is a pile of imaginary shit


How about that. I think devotion to dogmatic philosophy should prevent anyone from becoming a citizen but that's me. People say I'm a dick.

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