If you could have only one of the following gadgets, which one would you choose.
You've missed one. Even though it's never happed to me (as yet) I'd like to have a special personal computer that can track down and zero in on those mongrel extortanists that send out encryption codes that block your files until you pay a ransom. After my special computer tracks them down it'd zero in and blow up their computers in their faces , hopfully doing considerable damage to their personal features. Is that too nasty of me ?
Not really. The price of life is death. It will be paid sooner by bad people than god people.
I'll take the space arc. But if the AI companion looked like Kate Upton and had the sex drive of a porn star, that would be a difficult one to turn down.
That could probably be arranged. Let's say they are a synthetic/organic hybrid which can imitate and look like whoever you want.