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Mens Only Ford Explorer.

HippieChick58 9 Apr 15

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I thought this was funny and clever. 🙂


Genderizing automobile parts is likely to generate jokes and embarrassment. Which parts were made by lesbians(?) so they need fair billing, for instance. Besides, isn't the achievements of women what Women's Month is about? Do we not see individual women rightly exemplified for their achievements throughout modern media and society? Going to this level seems to further an idea of separation rather than how diverse people create helpful products. I wish liberals would get over this idea of a thousand individual groups all fighting for dominance of the very same message; Equal treatment and benefit of law/education/health/employment and govt Representation. Unifying under the big idea seems a better strategy for public support instead of rolled eyes.

Women were not admitted to the Royal Society until 1900. [] []

@MizJ They’ve made excellent progress and will hopefully make more now that the ball is rolling. I can’t see how it stops unless women vote against that happening. 23% of their voting population do that.

@rainmanjr Women have been making progress all along. The second link gives examples of women not being recognized. The playing field is far from level, if it was the ERA would have been ratified and women's salaries would be on par with men's. Voting against one's best interests is a universal problem, thus the present state of US politics.


HAH! Great points! Thanks, HC!

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