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Well of course it all depends where you live but here is a quote from a dating site profile in Phoenix: "Only interested in NON-vaxed Trump supporters!"

Of course my profile says "no trumpers," although it used to say "no trumpettes" but a woman actually asked me what that meant. You have to know your audience.🤣 Of course I always explain that it has nothing to do with politics it's about intelligence. I'd vote for Liz Cheney tomorrow and wouldn't agree with a thing she did but at least she has a brain in her head. Sometimes I say you wouldn't date a guy who jokes about grabbing pussy but you'd vote for him for president. They don't like that.

lerlo 8 Apr 19

Enjoy being online again!

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I've never known Dating Sites to be humurous.

twill Level 7 Apr 24, 2023

I have seen that quote many times in dating site profiles, for women in my area, but then again, I live in a very red, one-party state, so it's not surprising to me how many single women my age are Trumpers... No loss for me, their being open about their idiocy saves me time and grief, same way a man wearing a MAGA hat saves me the time and trouble of ever bothering to speak to him or engage him in any avoidable way...


That makes it easy to click "next!"

I met someone organically while out listening to music this past weekend. He seemed nice enough. Had a good pick up line. I gave him my contact info. Then he started talking about how people are crazy for getting vaccinated for ANYTHING because, he said, 93 million people have died of cancer after getting vaccinated as kids.

Um... okay... Did they also smoke, work near questionable chemicals, eat salad or drink milk, eat ice cream, breathe, drink water? Wow, correlation vs causation... I ended our conversation right then, saying I'll take my chances with the vaccinations my doctor recommends and continue to go out and enjoy life. He had been saying that he'd been virtually a shut in for the past 3 years, so didn't get out much. You do you, I'll do me.

He was very upset that his parents had him vaccinated against Polio as a child. So, did you get polio? No. So, what's the problem? No problem, he's just waiting to get cancer.

If he was looking for a romantic connection he's not going to get it with me. That's okay, I'm not looking anyway, friends only for me. But he'll find PLENTY other anti-vaxxers in our community.

You dodged quite a bullet...

I wonder how many people have died from cancer after travelling faster than a mile a minute?
That would make a great statistic for horse riding and cycling enthusiasts to quote!


You are right on target about intelligence! Who would want to date someone so gullible, and utterly lacking in common sense? My dating profile says something similar, along with "leaning left so far, I'm practically falling over." I hardly ever get a "like" from a Trumper, but when I do, I delete immediately. People who are so easily drawn to cults are people I wouldn't want to befriend. They have ruined our country with their lack of empathy and hatred of minorities. I wouldn't vote for Liz Cheyney, but guess I'd defend someone who would. She has a conscience.

@Organist1 Then there's the problem of the people not reading the profile. I actually had a woman on a first date who was making some comments that seemed trumpish. I asked if she had read my whole profile and she said I think so and she pulled out her phone to look at the profile. She read my profile, got up and said but you're so cute and walked away. So now I have to insult people and ask them if they read my whole profile before we meet because I don't want a repeat. The one who didn't know what a trumpette was I found out at the end of our first meeting.

@lerlo If they can't bother to read your profile, it begs the question of what else they don't care to real journalism. What a waste of your time! I usually have a long phone conversation, if not a Zoom session with anyone I agree to meet. That helps weed out the weirdos, but not entirely! 🙂

@lerlo I state on mine "Support science & Human rights 4 all."
I'm vaccinated.
I also clearly state that I am a Humanist/Atheist.

I have my 3 deal breaker questions that I immediately ask upon matching.


It takes intelligence to know what intelligence is. Trump tells the ignorati he is intelligent and they lack the intelligence to know otherwise.

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