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Pope Francis gives women historic right to vote at meeting


xenoview 8 Apr 27

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The Vatican is hardly a democracy.


I'm a bit curious as to how many women actually attend. If the additional amount is only 10%, etc, it would have little sway.

It's a good point. But how influential their vote is today pales in comparison to this significance of this major policy change which has the potential to influence further policy changes. Now I don't give a shit about the Catholic Church but this Pope is head and shoulders above any of his predecessors, yet still the very existence of his position is based entirely on complete and utter nonsense, and worse.

I just learned that the Catholic Church actually advocates that the priest's blessing of the wafer and wine at communion literally turns them into the flesh and blood of Jesus Christ. I saw a poll that said most American Catholics only acknowledge it as symbolic so even their own aren't falling for all of their ridiculous nonsense anymore.

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