For your consideration: I propose that no one really believes that full human personhood begins at conception. If they did they would be morally obligated to attempt to save the life of every fertilized egg, which no one does. Natural abortions, or miscarriages, happen all the time, yet there is no movement to attempt to save the life of every miscarriage. Also, if a fertilized egg were a full person, it would have all the rights of a full person which would also include all inheritance and legal rights of a person. No one fights for this. Why not? Because the belief is socially religious and surface with no committed depth. Also, people actually realize the revolutionary implications for society if every fertilized egg were recognized to have the full rights of personhood, and they don't really want that.
Personhood is an artificial concept having no basis in the real world. It is a fiction contrived for legal convenience. If a fertilized egg is a person, what happens when that person turns into twins? What happens when two blastocysts merge to become a single blastocyst with two sets of genes.
Theology-based laws do not have a place in a secular society and their imposition violates the wall of separation. We lack appropriate punishment of those that subvert our pluralism and seek to force their religion on the rest of us. That punishment should be in keeping with penalties for insurrection. The legislators passing this BS should all get 10 years. Their lives are already worthless anyway.
Yes, abortion laws are not only a violation of freedom of choice, but also of freedom of religious. It takes one religious belief and imposes it upon everyone else with a different belief, and at the cost of a prison sentence.