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Welcome to the Clinton promoted, US taxpayer funded Ukrainian war to benefit Blackrock, JP Morgan et al. Will ukraine be renamed to recognise its new owner? Lava (blackrock) is a short & sweet name for any new country.

And was a certain Fox news entity fired because he had the audacity to report the truth about Blackrock & the genocide being created in Ukraine by American money?

FrayedBear 9 May 14

Enjoy being online again!

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If there was a true American constitution, there would not be Blackrock nor a NATO

How does anything in the U.S. Constitution relate to NATO?


The American constitution was written to get away from the British Kings and Empires as they set out to conquering the world,. The American constitution created an independence of freedom and rights for individuals. We the people not We the Government. NATO, WHO, UN and WEF are much more related for a NWO. Where the people own nothing and we are to assume to be happy.

@Alienbeing You, ie. the USA, don't have the fortitude or scruples to stand alone so you drag, bully & coerce as many others as possible into supporting you & following your irresponsible behaviours. Of course at one time the likes of the UN & WHO were derided until you got effective control.

@Castlepaloma I am sure I know MUCH more about U.S. history than you know. Additionally, your reply in no way answers the question i posted.

@FrayedBear Your "fortitude" reply may be the dumbest reply you ever made, and that is really saying something.

Please illustrate how we did anything you "cited" particularly as respects the recent NATO members.

Last, if you think we control the U.N. you are truly not at all informed.


War is a Racket. Follow the Money.

BDair Level 8 May 15, 2023

SHUT THAT MAN UP!!! He is being too much of a truth warrior.


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