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Interesting. I guess people want miracles in their life, but AI and robots provide that without passing the plate or require people to adhere to behavior and dress codes?

A surprising explanation for the global decline of religion: []

Druvius 8 Aug 29

Enjoy being online again!

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AI won’t bother with passing the plate - it will go directly to your bank account! 🤣

skado Level 9 Aug 29, 2023

Whether we fancy ourselves believer or non, we all have a tendency to distort the truth in favor of our preferred worldview. This article is either intentionally or carelessly misleading. There is no "global decline". Yes, there are declines "around the globe," but there are even greater increases.
The 2015 and 2017 updated Pew Research survey measured it and reported it accurately.
Even the link that this article provides as reference states the following:

"This is based on a single question on the importance of God in the respondent’s life on a 10-point scale. The average importance declined in 39 countries and increased in only 5.  Apart from the fact that this is based only on a single question on the importance of God, it also does not tell us how regional or global average ratings have changed. Depending on the relative populations and scale shifts in different countries, it could potentially even be consistent with a global average increase."

skado Level 9 Aug 29, 2023
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