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LINK Norfolk police pull over man with bull riding shotgun - NORTHEAST - NEWS CHANNEL NEBRASKA

I don't get out in that part of the state very often, too many rednecks and republicans, and then this yahoo. Click on the link to see the video, and check out the bullsh_t on the car!

Norfolk police pull over man with bull riding shotgun

Around 10:00 a.m. Norfolk Police Division responded to a call of a man driving eastbound on 275 with a Watusi bull in his passenger’s seat.

Wednesday, August 30th 2023,

By Andrew Pfeifer

NORFOLK, Neb. -- Around 10:00 a.m. Norfolk Police Division responded to a call of a man driving eastbound on Highway 275 with a Watusi bull in his passenger’s seat.

“The officers received a call referencing a car driving into town that had a cow in it,” said Police Captain Chad Reiman. “They thought that it was going to be a calf, something small or something that would actually fit inside the vehicle.”

And the vehicle was big enough… Well, technically.

“As a result, the officers performed a traffic stop and addressed some traffic violations that were occurring with that particular situation,” Reiman said.

The occupant of the vehicle was identified as Lee Meyer of Neligh. The Watusi bull’s name was Howdy Doody. Lee was immediately pulled over by Norfolk Police as they performed a routine traffic stop.

“The officer wrote him some warnings,” Reiman said. “There were some citable issues with that situation. The officer chose to write him a warning and ask him to take the animal back home and leave the city.”

Meyer and Howdy Doody are on their way back home and no one was hurt.

HippieChick58 9 Aug 31

Enjoy being online again!

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That was a popular news ''flash'' here....and many jokes made about the rear end of the vehicle! (WOW!)


Clearly there was A LOT of thought and work put into the "refinements" made to that vehicle. WTF did he do to the suspension that it hardly sags under the weight of Howdy Doody?
Hard to know where to start unpacking that load. HAHAHAHA


Well that is odd! I'm relieved to find it wasn't one of my relatives in the Nebraska beef business! Wrong town and wrong name to be related to me!

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