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What Is Fenbendazole and How Can It Affect Cancer Treatment?

1patriot 8 Sep 3

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Just give them a horse wormer instead. he is too much "bedazoling"going on here.


Bloody quack!

if you quack to much the coyote will come for you Peter pan!

@1patriot Didn't you learn in school that there are two letters "o"" in 'too much'.

@Petter typical Libtard always pointing out spell mistakes but refusing to discuss the the subject posted.....keep up your MRNA Shots please, we need fresh new blood on this planet get rid of the Libtards

@1patriot Typical tirade from a semi-educated, right wing fanatic.
By the way you missed out the "ing" at the end of 'spelling'.

@Petter your spelling ain't very good either...ftom how many jabs your eye is failing!

go a head and die the world would a better place with out you!

@1patriot The world has been trying to kill me for 82 years - and I have the physical scars to prove it. I have also had cancer for the past ten years, but I'm still here and very active.
So crawl back into your cowardly hole.
By the way, "ahead" is a single word. Likewise "without". You really are poorly educated. I pity you.

@Petter HA HA your days coming you old cunt!

@1patriot It's cunts like me that make pricks like you stand up.
Go beg for an education!

@Petter go lay down in your coffin you cunt you need a rest your getting cranky lol

@1patriot. You cannot even spell you're correctly. You truly are ignorant!!
I presume with a name like "patriot" that you served in your country's armed forces - or did you, like Trump, also have "bone spurs"?

@Petter cranky old fuck can't even read one of you grand child likely translated for you... can even remember what the post is about or you just into bashing anyone on here!

@1patriot . Only you, actually. I find your lack of variation and invention in invectives to be an amusing confirmation of your poor level of education.
By the way, I now assume that despite your chosen "patriot" name you have never served in your country's armed forces.
HARDLY PATRIOTIC, ARE YOU?'re feeding this troll!

@pamagain Not really. I am winding him up.

@Petter Well...standing by to watch the explosion!

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