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Just another BS sports comment after the Texas win over Alabama. When the Texas quarterback was asked how they did it he said god is good. That's interesting because that good god just fucked Alabama.🤣🤣 Just a guess that those conservative religious Alabamans aren't too happy with that god.

lerlo 8 Sep 9

Enjoy being online again!

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They don't think that way. It would involve thinking.


Absolutely nothing to do with this post, sports or god. I have tried to respond to your message but there seems to be gremlins in here. Just wanted you to know I am not ignoring you 😁

Nice to know you're still alive. Yeah this site is messed up beyond belief

@lerlo someone said you can delete all the old messages and it will work. Maybe we should try that?

@Heidi68 I don't believe that for a second but it can't hurt to try

@Heidi68 I deleted them all and sent you two messages

@lerlo I deleted everything & sent you a message

@Heidi68 got it and replied

@Heidi68 and I got the 14 new messages you sent 🙂 all the same of course, wonder why you can't get mine. At the bottom of the message screen there is a button to slide right...check yours

@lerlo still nothing on my end - I sent you another one. Maybe you got it?

@Heidi68 nope email


They're probably wracking their brains to figure out how they offended their ''loving father.''

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