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LINK Mexico UFO Hearings Put US Congressional Hearings to Shame

As if David Grusch lying under oath to Congress was not embarrassing enough, this obvious fabricated hoax presented as fact to a government authority. The same imbeciles who believe this nonsense, will swear the Apollo moon missions were fake.

barjoe 9 Sep 14

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As if we don't have enough conspiracies floating around for the witless. This has been going on for some time and it might be nice if the claimers had some real proof for a credible source.


How about submitting these things to medical testing? MRI, anyone?

These corpses date back more than a thousand years and were entombed in diatomaceous earth. Hence, they have been completely desiccated and an MRI would be unrevealing. X-rays do show that one specimen has eggs. Nevertheless, they have their own surgical implants, jewelry, and an intact consistent skeletal structure that belies the debunker cult claims of being fabricated from spare parts.

Everyone says to show them the bodies. But when bodies are shown, the goalpost is moved again.

Fortunately, the discoverer has kept them out of the hands of both the Peruvian government as well as CIA/Naval Intelligence. Otherwise, this evidence would go the way of the crash debris.

@racocn8 This is PT Barnum shit. It's laughable.

@barjoe The specimen will go to a Mexican University for testing. It is a certainty that scientific testing will reveal whether the specimen is real or fake.



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