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LINK conservatives show more empathy to liberals than liberals show to conservatives.

Empathic Conservatives and Moralizing Liberals: Political Intergroup Empathy Varies by Political Ideology and Is Explained by Moral Judgment

Thibaud70 7 Sep 21

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To the extent that any of these four studies showed statistically significant differences and that other studies showed the opposite "results', the conclusion was whelming:

"Overall, this research suggests that moral judgment maintains a lack of empathy between political opponents. To improve empathy across political divides, we can take steps to address moral judgments on both sides of politics. However, it is also worth acknowledging that liberals and conservatives can differ in the extremity of these judgments—and not always in the direction we might expect."

To what extent would more or less judgmental and more or less empathic opinions on either side of politics, (as evidenced over someone's broken ankle), lead to better decision making on legislation in western democracies?


This might be true in the UK where "liberal" and "conservative" mean something somewhat different than what they do in the U.S. but this is absolutely not true in the U.S.

American conservatives are frequently racist, bigoted, homophobic, transphobic, and xenophobic. Their political icon spews hatred and their preachers spew hatred. I honestly can't think of a single good thing that conservatives in the U.S. stand for.

Torries in UK are a lot more respectful than the Republicans in United States.

I'm showing my ignorance, here. Apart from that conservatism and liberalism are defined differently between Europe and the US, since when has the US society beceom so deeply divided that it is impossible to find middle ground in politics? The way the left-wing and the right-wing hate each other, personally or publicly, seems extreme. I live in England, by the way.

@Ryo1 The divide between the left and right in the U.S. has been growing for decades. The right have become more aggressive in their attempts to obstruct any progress that the right attempts to make and even work to undo progress. The right is increasingly becoming more fascist and authoritarian while claiming to be patriotic.


In the USA, I find this to be completely untrue.


Maybe because your judgment is biased? Because something that should not be true must not be true?

@Thibaud70 or maybe because we live here, and as has been pointed out in another reply, terms like Liberal and Conservative have slightly different implications in different locations.

@Thibaud70 Maybe you're biased. Did you ever think of that? Just go on Twitter or "X". Since Musk took over, X ignores racist, antisemitic, homophobic, xenophobic hate speech to flourish. Perjorative terms used by the right: woke, libtard, pedo, sheeple, dems, snowflakes, MSM, elites, TDS, commie. Yeah I'm biased. Biased against ignorant fools hiding behind their keyboards throwing insults at me because I don't buy into right wing conspiracy theories. Yeah I'm biased about having to engage in discussions with people who have an IQ of about 80.

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