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LINK Anthropology groups cancel conference panel on why biological sex is “necessary” for research – Retraction Watch

Those are the new priests!
100 or 200 years ago, when the local priest or bishop pointed out that X was a threat to morality, this X was cancelled.
Today (in the "liberal" West!) when some activists claim that X "causes harm to our community" or "is a threat to our identity", this X will be cancelled without further justification or explanation. After all the two associations who cancelled the conference were unable to specify which kind of harm it may cause to talk about sex in an anthropological context.
It's not about justice or any other lofty cause, it's just about political and social power.
Those who have managed to be recognized as victims have this power; they know it and they are happy to use.
The victim (or rather: the "victim" ) is the new boss.

Thibaud70 7 Oct 1

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A lot like how conservatives (the right) have worked to try to cancel black people, gays, trans people, books they don't like, Colin Kaepernick, the 2020 election, anything that the right views as "woke", Bud Light, Critical Race Theory, evolution, the phrase "happy holidays", the history of racism in the U.S., and Keurig to name just a few things.

But sure... the real outrage is how a panel presentation was canceled at the American Anthropological Association and Canadian Anthropology Society meeting.

I think there is a crucial difference between private people attacking , say, Budweiser because of this ad with a trans woman, and an academic institution cancelling something that should be the very essence of academia and science: the free exchange of ideas.
How can people call themselves "liberals" and support this new style of censorship?? It's just crazy...

@Thibaud70 Obviously you don't understand what the word "censorship" means. That would suggest that people are being actively prevented from discussing/saying certain things (such as how Florida has banned any discussion of same-sex marriage and the word "gay" or a very long list of books from their libraries). A panel was cancelled. Not at all the same. Everyone can still discuss the topic of the panel at length at their own leisure at any time they wish.

@Charles1971 Well, I guess that in Florida, people too can discuss same-sex marriage in private. Or what if some people discuss it while being on a party, and some evil right-winger overhears them and tells the authorities about this incident - what happens to those who discussed it ? Will they be fined? Will they go to jail ? Please tell me !

BTW your "logic" is really strange. it goes like this: Because the political tribe we hate (the Evil Conservatives) practices X, we , the Good Progressive Guys, are entitled or even obliged to practice X as well.

(Edit: If I don't know what real censorship means, you obviously don't know what academic / scientific freedom means. It certainly does NOT mean that some guys can discuss about topic X or Y in private, but to do this as members of an institution which was founded centuries ago to enable this kind of discussions and research.)

@Thibaud70 I just find it hypocritical of you to feign outrage over a cancelled panel while utterly ignoring the rampant censorship and cancel culture of conservatives.

And no one is stopping anyone from discussing sex and gender in private or at a party and no one is being arrested even if an evil left-winger overhears them and calls the police.

The two anthropology groups mentioned in the article cancelled a panel at one of their own conferences. They did not ban discussion of the topic, ban any academics, ban any books, or ban any research. If censorship upsets you so much then you should be livid over book bans or how some college study programs are being banned. These are things that actually have an impact.

@Charles1971 These associations did not cancel the conference of their own accord, but because trans activists intervened , claiming that talking about "sex" in anthropology would cause harm to their community, which is just ridiculous.
The associations then caved in and cancelled the event because they knew that hell would break loose if the conference would be held as planned. Many careers have come to an end and people were socially "killed" after having been called out as "transphobic". Once you've been at the receiving end of such an accusation, you'll never get rid of it. Everybody knows about this threat, that's the main weapon of the new inqueersition.

And no: censorship is not an all-or-nothing thing. Like most things (democracy, freedom, etc...), it comes in degrees: total censorship in China, partial censorship in Hungary or India, mild censorship in the different Cancel Cultures in the West, be they from the Right, as in Florida, or from the Left, as in the case in the link.

Don't bother me with your hypocrisy ! I bemoan BOTH types of censorship, whereas you are the one using double standards: if your tribe does it, it's okay, because this makes the world a better place (or so you believe in your delusion....); if Ron DeSantis does it, it's evil, because he's from the other tribe.
This is just stupid tribal thinking, and it's nothing to be proud of !

(I'm off)

@Thibaud70 How odd. You must have read a completely different article than the one you actually posted because the article you posted makes absolutely no reference to trans activists, any actual or implied violence/chaos, or careers coming to an end. It seems as if you're adding your own fictional narration.

And there's no hypocrisy on my part. I oppose censorship in most cases but I don't view this particular situation as censorship.

Censorship by the right has happened across the entire country for hundreds of years.

And yes, I have noticed that you're off. Have you tried therapy or medication?

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