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God's Hypocrisy: The Case Against Objective Morality

JJ-Baltazar 6 Oct 1

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skado Level 9 Oct 2, 2023

I don't see how his critique of the god of the bible justifies the conclusion that morality itself is not objective. There are other systems of ethics.

Q. Do you wish to be safe, happy and contented ?
A. Yes.
Q. Do you think it more likely that you will be happy, safe and contented if you live where everyone is happy, safe and contented ?
A. Yes.
Q. Then is it not worth while to make some investment in everyone's safety, happiness and contentment ?
Supply your own answer.

This is a very simple way to get to an objective morality, some would say that it is not "true" morality, because it is at the bottom selfish, and it certainly does not get you to a Christian morality. But who said that morality could not be based in selfish motivations, and I for one do not think that Christian morality is a very good one anyway.

What it does however, is it makes it plain, just how easy a objective morality is to make, and it is only one of many hundreds of ways.

@Fernapple I agree it can be selfish but also selfless. It has nothing to do with Religious morality, it is a desire to live in peace and harmony.

@Betty Agreed, the two are, of course, not mutually exclusive.


elements of Trump in his cries for vengeance. Maybe he is the chosen one LMAO


The fact that the doctrine contradicts itself, is actually a major source of its popularity. Since it means that you can find anything you want in the bible. No matter what that is. You want to believe that all violence is wrong, and you should not be beaten, it is in there. You want to believe that it is a good idea however, to beat you wife, it is in there too.

Whatever you want, pick and mix, but yet, you can still claim the objective backing of an all knowing god. And that is what makes it popular. Religion is not relativist, optional, and subjective, nor is it objective and evidence based. What it is, is subjective, relative and optional pretending to be and disguised as objective evidence based with higher authority, and therefore the worst of both worlds.


I don't know how anyone who has taken the time to actually read the "bible" could believe that it represent truth. The bible is a collection of horror stories for the purpose of instilling fear and to control the masses.

Betty Level 8 Oct 1, 2023

Perfectly said. I've read the buybull 3 times cover to cover, and one of those was a chronological order buybull. Fascinating how much stupidity was in there.

@HippieChick58 Once was enough for me. It was a confusing mass of fear-mongering and gratuitous violence.

@HippieChick58 I did it the bible study way and read it all once. What this means is you do not read cover to cover.They have you do it in a way that all the standard doctrines seem to be right to you as you go. When you are done you have read it all. People living in different times do not agree on everything. For example, Isaiah said nothing at all about Jesus. Neither does the Songs of Solomon,
etc. but they claim this one big book made out of 66 or more little books tells the story but the bible as we know it today came about by decree around 330 BC. Many books did not make it.

@DenoPenno I have participated in and led numerous bible studies over the years. I have read the commentariat, I know bible history. I know the claims. I know the contradictions. All in all it is the worst book ever compiled. Anyone who believes that pile of claptrap is deluding themselves.

@HippieChick58 Once was enough for me. Of course it helped that at the same time I was to read the bible suggested by the church, by coincidence we also were studying some Greek mythology in high school, and I noticed the stories were often told in similar ways. It seems most myths follow similar patterms, as I later learned by reading Joseph Campbell. However, in high school it became obvious to me that the bible was just made up stories.

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