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Happened 8 years ago in San Francisco.

St-Sinner 9 Oct 7

Enjoy being online again!

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It is the tragedy of Humanity that so many have so little purpose. That they spend their lives doing nonsense like this shames them and our society. Freedom. Yeah, tell me about it.

What amazes me is that there are different levels of primitivity - from the Amazon to African jungles to India and India manages to market its primitivity in Western countries successfully under "Ancient Eastern Wisdom" that many Westerners fall for easily. It's nothing but shit and I have seen it closely.

I went to a Meetup once in Austin and an elderly woman comes up to me seeing that I was an India and says .."I follow the "Art of Living" by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar". I immediately told her that is once of the biggest scams and she was disappointed that I did not respond enthusiastically as she may have expected. There are many Guru people from India who visit the U.S. and Europe like Sadguru, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Radha Madhav and others. They seem to have a good size following and I am stunned to see it every time. I suppose often things looks very attractive from far maybe just like I thought there were rivers of milk and honey in the U.S. but at least I was not disappointed about the cleanliness, prosperity, opportunities and most of all the lack of individual level government corruption and nepotism that I faced every day in India.

I can't wait to see the atheist movement pick up speed and begin to grow rapidly.


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