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I was discussing religion with a friend from Philadelphia who was raised in a Quaker community, but, like me does not practice religion. Quakers are one of the few religions that are able to accept or forgive other systems. I try to model my relationships with others around the one basic precept of Christianity, the "Golden Rule", as they do, even though I am an Agnostic. It doesn't mean you have to accept others' beliefs. It just means that you must eschew your tendencies to act upon your own most hurtful thoughts. To my mind, that's the main reason Jesus was on Earth, if, in fact he was. Unfortunately, that simple teaching is ignored by most adherents of Christianity, especially the so-called "Evangellicals", and virtually alien to most other religions, especially Islam.

fishline79 7 Oct 14

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You do very well and the Quakers S.O. F. are surely a great inspiration.

But it is not quite accurate to say that, the Golden Rule is found mainly only in Christian tradition, though Christianity may have been one of the most zealous promoters of it. In fact it is found in nearly every religious and philosophic tradition, in one way or another, Tao, Buddhism, Pre-Christain Western philosophy and also in Islam, where the prophet mentions it several times, including. "None of you believes until he wishes for his brother what he wishes for himself."

Actually, I have always thought that during all of the years Jesus' whereabouts were unknown, he was probably in the orient, learning from eastern philosophies and religions. By the way, Gore Vidal believed something similar and theorized about it in his novel, "Creation"


Hard to argue against the Golden Rule.

skado Level 9 Oct 14, 2023

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