Poking fun at current events...
Bill seems to have fallen off the good ship common sense. He really needs to study up on the Israeli/Palestinian situation.
One of the problems with celebrity, is they can't live their life in the real world and have normal lives. At some point they get a surrealistic or warped view of the real world.
The celebrities I most admire are the ones who manage to keep their feet on the ground, don't buy into the hype about themselves and remain, at least for the lost part, level headed.
Tom Hanks and John Goodman are two persons who, at least mostly have managed that.
@snytiger6 I agree. So many celebrities have very big egos!!
I think his view of what he refers to as "liberals" is pretty skewed...
As always, he over-simplifies and exaggerates all thru it, which is why I used to find him interesting and funny, usually agreeing with him, but in recent years, he is just tiresome and annoying..