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Sewing a skirt.

Yesterday I cut out the pieces of fabric. Today I sewed pieces together. All that is left to do is the zipper (tricky), waistband and hem.

I'm making the Butterick skirt on the left. Will wear the skirt with a black shirt, tights and black boots.

My dear friend Billie, 85, can long long kneel to pin up a hem. The skirt will be too long for me.

So I will ask professional seamstress Pins and Needles to help me decide how long looks good, and turn up the hemline. I can hand sew the hem.

What do you think?

LiterateHiker 9 Nov 4

Enjoy being online again!

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@Liam991, @Unity, @Mitch07102, @Gwendolyn2018, @WayneDalton, @HippieChick58, @RichCC

Finished the hem after hand-sewing miles of tiny stitches. Whew!


I haven't seen one of those dress patterns in a long time.


I think it is adorable and you will make it look fabulous!


Thank you, dear!

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