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One for American arachnaphobes?

Learn your spider & why you shouldn't kill them:


theMoriarty 4 Dec 17

Enjoy being online again!

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If it is easy to catch it, I'll put it outside. 90% of the time, it's tissue and toilet. They have a fondness for biting me, and I don't appreciate it.

@Gwendolyn2018 Ingrate! Biting the back that succoured it.

I have recently learned, 40 years after the sting, that a bee sting into a non moving joint can subsequently result in very painful arthritis.

@Gwendolyn2018 As the only thing to change significantly in my body was the introduction of a Pfizer vaccination containing mRNA I can only conclude that it was instrumental in creating the pain. It was equallyspectacular how taking laurel seed tablets for three weeks resulted in the pain stopping.


During my first year in Arizona, I had an encounter with a black tarantula. It came walking into my hallway making terrible noises while walking on the floor. My two babies ( 1 md 2 years old) were amusing themselves in the living room. I freaked out. I used my broom to kill the tarantula and swept it up and dumped it down the toilet, flushing many times to make sure there would be no repeat encounters. All the time I was feeling terribly guilty for killing a living being but I was too scared.
In the evening, my husband brought home an MP colleague who felt it necessary to tell me that killling tarantulas was punishable with a $100 fine. I never checked that out. I certainly felt guilty enough.

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