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Why I quit Single Silvers after three weeks.

Silver Singles asked why I canceled my membership. My reply:

To my disappointment, over 99% of men sent me a smile emoji instead of writing a message. It feels like junior high with tongue-tied boys.

Your smile button enables this immature behavior. I have a Master degree and am a published author. I would never send an emoji.

"You are highly intelligent and articulate," my dear friend Bruce, a Ph.D. psychologist said. "You are too smart to put up with this bullshit."

You cannot imagine the disappointment of having my inbox flooded daily by emails from Silver Singles: "Tom (or Dan, Alex, Cornhusker, Don, Tim, Lee, shyone11, Allen, etc.) sent you a message." Excited, I clicked on your link and it's only a stupid smile emoji. It's frustrating.

Silver Singles is not for me.

I am enjoying getting to know a handsome man from Silver Singles who wrote me nice messages. He quit Silver Singles after we met. Mark is an architect and owns a firm in Seattle that employs 18 people. He is half Finnish and half Maltese. Striking.

Mark has been a fashion and underwear model intermittently from age 20 to 60. He works out three days/week. He is also an artist. What a body!

LiterateHiker 9 Jan 29

Enjoy being online again!

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I am happy that you found someone who's company you enjoy.
I hope it turns out to be all that you want.
On another note, you are missed around here! 😊

Unity Level 8 Feb 1, 2024

I tried several sites fo us in our 'stage of life.' It seems there was always a problem with them. One I even reported.


Has he got a brother?


I won't defend SS beyond saying I had the most profound fortune to find my SO there. I had enormous frustration with the matches that often lived more than 50 miles away. I had been on many other sites and each was horrible in its own way. Finding a companion is very hard work and traumatizing. You have my sympathy and I salute your courage.

I celebrate you!! Good luck!!!


For a minute there I thought you said you quit SilverSneakers! I work for SilverSneakers as an instructor and I teach classes at different locations and some of these classes, the participants date each other and it turns into another high school drama with some of these people, funny!!!


That smile emoji gives You a chance to read their bio and decide what you want to do, and IMO a fine gentlemanly way of letting you be in charge of deciding how to proceed.
However, good luck, Princess Karen.


Why are you insulting me? I'm not a "Karen," a pushy white woman who uses her whiteness and class privilege to get her own way.

I'm not interested in lazy guys.


@LiterateHiker "gentlemanly" (letting the lady take the lead, a well established custom on such sites) is a far cry from "lazy"....
Would you prefer pushy?
Judgemental much?


Psychologist Bruce calls men who send a smile emoji "Lazy guys!"

I agree.


The one guy who responded here blamed you - truly not enough room for all the laughing emojis. They do make it easy to weed out the ones you'd not respond to.
Keep up the high standards!

I'm not in that position to blame her for any. I just friendly concluded from what I've seen as a pattern over the years.


Thank you for your kind words. I appreciate your support.


To be in a relationship we have to compromise. I know you a bit and what can say is; Your standards are too high for the reality. Being a perfectionist simply means to be alone.

Diaco Level 7 Jan 29, 2024


I have always been attracted to intelligent men with a great sense of humor.

I am enjoying getting to know a handsome man from Silver Singles who wrote me nice messages. He quit Silver Singles after we met. Mark is an architect in Seattle who employs 18 people. He is half Maltese and half Finnish. Striking.

Mark worked intermittingly as a fashion model and underwear model from age 20 to 60. He works out three days/week. What a body!

@LiterateHiker Good for you! so glad to hear this and hope all goes well 🤗


I gave up online dating, where I live there are just too many xians, scammers, and republicans.

It's the same here. My BFF keeps trying to get me back on Facebook dating because she met her husband there... but they're religious and it's awkward to explain to them how I won't even consider that option. It's sometimes hard to be outside the primary dating pool.

I gave up online dating a long time ago too. is the last site that I joined with hopes of finding a good woman.
Now I'm here because you guys are almost like family

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