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LINK How a new space race could be harming the Earth’s atmosphere | PBS News Weekend

According to data from the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs, 2023 was a record year for launching satellites, probes, landers and more into space. But scientists worry those plumes of exhaust trailing behind rockets could be scattering harmful pollutants into the pristine upper layers of the atmosphere. John Yang speaks with freelance science journalist Shannon Hall to learn more.

(Follow link to listen to 6 minute audio news story pod cast.)

(The recent space race is in part due to a few super rich people realizing we are destroying the earth, and so they want to technology to be able to flee the planet if things ever come to that. Ironically, space technology is speeding up the planet's demise.)

snytiger6 9 Feb 18

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The Kessler Syndrome is a real possibility, we could have so much junk in orbit that runaway collisions make near Earth orbit unusable. []


And it is now clear that the US has handed over its space program to a Russian asset. Musk needs to follow his idol to jail or underground.

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