If vegetarians eat vegetables, what do humanitarians eat?
I feel like your poll is missing a few, less extreme, options.
So do I.
I know ... I thought about listing the "normal" options ... Recently I went into a food outlet run by Muslims. They asked me whether I wanted something related to chicken. "That is against my religion." I said pretending to be upset about the question. Then they wanted to know what religion it was. "Alveolien" I swiftly answer. End of story.
I wanted to add an open answer where people can list their favourite victims to be sacrificed for our dinner plates.
Farmed turkeys are truly a dumb animal. They're the only species I know that can accidentally drown in a rainstorm by sticking it's nose in the air.
I say that you should choose what works best for you. I am a vegetarian, not because I love animals. Most of my recent ancestors were farmers and one brother still is, and a lot of animals are nasty creatures. I am a vegetarian because I seek to minimize my environmental footprint.
All vegetables should be slaughtered and only the tasty animals