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The words atheist and agnostic conjure up a number of different perceptions and meanings. When it comes to questioning the existence of gods, the subject is a tricky one that is often misunderstood.

Key Takeaways: Atheism and Agnosticism
Atheism is about belief or, specifically, what you don't believe.
An atheist doesn't believe in any gods.
Agnosticism is about knowledge or, specifically, about what you don't know.
An agnostic doesn't know if any gods exist or not.
It is common for people to be both agnostics and atheists or agnostics and theists.

TheoryNumber3 8 Mar 4

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I have no beliefs, as I have a world view based on facts and falsifiable evidence. This makes me an atheist.

Any dumbfuck that asserts that I claim that their particular god does not exist is merely flaunting his (or her) cretinism.


And if you have multiple voices in your head (like me) you can believe in more than one quadrant. And the arguments can get intense...

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