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So Ashkenazi Jew's maternal line is European not Middle East?

Research by Professor Martin Richards proves that Ashkenazi Jews maternally do not originate from Palestine. In other words the Zionists of Israel never had maternal link to the location.



Is it coincidental that "nazi" was the name used for members of Hitler's genocidal 3rd Reich?

Wrong people, wrong place, wrong behaviour now still supported by USA, Britain, France, Germany & Italy. One can only ask "what are they being blackmailed with into such rash behaviour?"

FrayedBear 9 Mar 4

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Yes it was completely a coincidence
Nazi was the Anglicized version of the German abbreviation Natzi short for Nationalsozialistische
It was made popular by Churchill because it sounded like Nasty and was a propaganda tool.

"Churchill... Churchhill with his Naw Sees Nazis...Nazi's. We weren't Nawzi's. We were NATZIS! CHURCHILL!" Franz Liebkind (Kenneth Mars) The Producers 1967


Neither do black African Jews.

Do black African jews lay claim to right of possession of Palestine?

@FrayedBear If they thought they could, why not for 400 years the Ottoman Turks and the British both thought that they did and before that the Persian and Egyptians thought they did and before that the Greeks and the Romans.
In fact Israel has not actually owned the area since the Bronze age when for over a millennia it changed hands and territorial claims back and forth between Canaan, Samaritans, ancient Egypt, Israel, Babylon, Persia, the Hittites and the Philistines.

Generally for thousands of years Israel has not been Israel for more time than it actually was.
All because some psychopath called Abraham thought that three wandering ancient equivalents of Mormon Missionaries who knocked on his tent one night were angels and decided to convert to a new religion and take his son up a hill and stab him to death, until another hallucination told him not to.

@FrayedBear quite a number have moved there since the state of Israel was said to be founded.

@LenHazell53 you use a wonderful turn of phrase Len. Thanks lmao rofl.

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