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What brings you here?

Is this your last ditch effort to find someone or are you here just as something to do?

Crimson67 8 Dec 10

Enjoy being online again!

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Never a last ditch effort, but it’s certainly entertaining.


Was getting disgusted with the guys I was meeting on dating sites-their ability to carry on an intelligent conversation was next to none. I also had nothing in common with them socially or politically. Here are intelligent people with diverse backgrounds that I have learned from and share with. Making some wonderful friends in this welcoming community.


I saw the ad and was curious about what the site was about, and then found it was more than a passing curiosity. I'm not looking for anything in particular, just hanging out and having a good time. 🙂


I am here for intellectual stimulation, healthy discourse which makes me think, occasional humor, and for th friendship of more than a few.


Kinda as something to do and to perhaps make some friends. I'm not openly atheist here in my town, so I don't have any conversations with non believers in person. It's nice to have a place to really be myself.

time to move [ or just be brave , you may be surprised]

I grew up in a Catholic town and there was only 1 openly athiest kid in my High School. Fast forward 40 years...


need a good laugh and people are so entertaining!

mzee Level 7 Dec 10, 2017

Last ditch effort, no. But I like to discuss things with people of a like mind. If I can find someone special at the same time, I’m good with that.


I found this cite by accident and was curious. I am impressed with this cite. There are a lot of intelligent people here.


to talk with some like minded people and reassure myself that there is intelligence on planet earth in the hope the muppets will relinquish power some day soon !

The Muppets would be a better choice then the orange clown reality TV star


Trying to search online for an Atheist decal for my jeep and this was second down from the results. I am glad I clicked on it. Still haven't found the decal I want though.

MoniB Level 6 Dec 10, 2017

dawkins has some . I have the red a on the back of my construction van

Here you go


When I first signed up I had no idea this was a "dating" site. I just wanted to be around people like me.

this is a dating cite? lol 🙂


Thought it would be a refreshing place to finally meet a like-minded woman as opposed to all those around here looking for a "godly" or "God-fearin'" man ... but the only woman reasonably close to me says she's not dating. Grrrr.


I came here because I enjoy a good debate, especially with open minded individuals and I had a lifestyle change that lead me on a search. I'm actually surprised I haven't come across before. I am excited to see what discussions can be had and the people I can connect with.

Welcome, @mash_tatoes! Regarding your surprise at not having come across it before, the site is only 3.5 months old, so it is probably less surprising than you imagined. It has grown very quickly, though.


i was bored and saw an advertisement on fb, it wasn't a dating website when i first joined


Was looking for agnostic/ATHEIST groups in my area,saw thus site,joined and Presto. Concrete const is my trade, and I've been shut down going on three weeks, so I've had a lot of free time on my hands lately,and have been stove up in my house far too long. I have never done social mediabefore and I'm trying to sponge as much info and terminology as I can, so I can better understand. I am digging this community!.


I’m simply open to meeting new people. I need to get out of my comfort zone. One step at a time.


Since I seem to be OFF the bell curve, I am seeking like minded people to converse, make new friends, and perhaps find a match, which seems impossible on "dating sites". I'm not speaking in negatives, but I don't fit in many categories, with the population, at large. I'm kind of a square peg, and happy to be !


Why we men do anything-- to meet women.


Just a good reassurance that I am not alone as an independent thinker. To meet somewith similar thoughts, as I have would be most impressive. I would not have to hear the pointless ramblings of some magical creature that if you give enough offerings to or honor with you undivided worship you will be accepted into its realm. The amount of emphasis on their demigod is also very absurd.


I found this site by accident Unfortunately there are not many individuals I know that care to talk about these issues, I was tired of non stimulating conversations .At least your brain gets exercise here


Mostly, I'm here for the community, but if I find someone along the way who I'd like to be with, that would be nice too.


Not a last ditch, more like a chance to meet different people with similar ideas!


I'm here for cute, agnostic redheads. If you're ever near Reno, let me know.


What brought me here was finding someone, although I don't regard it as a last ditch effort. I figured agnosticism was a good basis to find someone, as I suspected most would also be liberal in their political views. Two of the most important factors to me.


Some one to do


It would be good thing to find people who feel the same

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