WTF?!? Completely ridiculous.
I have said for many years we should be taxing churches. Two things would likely happen; there would be more money to fund public programs, and big greedy churches would quickly disappear. The only reason there are so many, the s because they DON'T pay taxes. They should also have to open their books and justify where they spend their money. Leave the gilded marble halls for the insurance companies.
Ugh. What happened to separation of church and state.
Seems to me this crap is unconstitutional. Why isn't it challenged?
One would think so. While the idea of "separation of church and state" is quite obviously represented constitutionally, the actual words aren't in the Constitution. And, of the 112 Supreme Court justices we've had through the years, there has never been an athiest so, who knows how they would rule on this?
Having said that, I'm sure this will be struck down by some federal judge at some point. And, if religious organizations are allowed access to public funding for anything originating in our tax dollars, then it's time to start taxing churches.
I'll bet the FFRF do challenge it!
@phxbillcee somebody has to