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If I were starting a country, I would have plaques around all the borders that read,

"In this land, we have plentiful resources, beautiful landscapes of spanning mountains, barren deserts and fields of wheat. We're proud of our people's creativity, conscientiousness and perseverance, which is fueled by our ability to compete through a free, well-structured and regulated economic system. We have democratic elections, and rational justice systems. We're proud of our compassion and feel obligated to keep our people's physical and mental health of top concern, not only because we believe it's morally imperative to do so, but because an unhealthy community lacks the motivation and stamina to help others in other communities. Lack of motivation leads to lulls in prosperity
and forward-thinking. To meet our needs, we don't capitalize on the health issues of our citizens, or non-citizens.

-We maintain a strong military force, with humility. We have condemnation towards intimidation, antagonization and offensive action.

Please disagree or add to this, because I think it needs a little more.

Jarucker 5 Dec 10

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Good thought, but unfortunately, in thiink that is only half of us...
But, I a m normally on the pessimistic side..


Reads right-wing to me; there is not a single thing about people outside of your country, such as refugees or simply the need to work cross-border. Surprised you didn't conclude with "and that's why we're building a wall to keep everyone else out" πŸ˜‰

There’s also not a single thing about speech, religion, guns, assembly, taxes, unions, environment regulations. The whole point was to get people to add their own additions. Because I left out my opinion of immigration, It seems right wing to you?wow.

I just focused on healthcare and defense because that’s what was on my mind at the moment. Here..

Add your own on line immigration policy..

If I were starting a country, I would have plaques around all the borders that read,

"In this land, we have plentiful resources, beautiful landscapes of spanning mountains, barren deserts and fields of wheat. We're proud of our people's creativity, conscientiousness and perseverance, which is fueled by our ability to compete through a free, well-structured and regulated economic system.
We have democratic elections, and rational justice systems.

We're proud of our compassion and feel obligated to keep our people's physical and mental health of top concern, not only because we believe it's morally imperative to do so, but because an unhealthy community lacks the motivation and stamina to help others in other communities. Lack of motivation leads to lulls in prosperity and forward-thinking. To meet our needs, we don't capitalize on the health issues of our citizens, or non-citizens.

Added: No governing body shall pass a law infringing one’s freedom of speech, vocally or electronically; religious affiliation or lack thereof, or assembly to express discontent.

Added: We do not discriminate based on religion, lack of religion, personal or group ideology, race, ethnicity, nationality, sexual preference, sexual identity, or any other attribute unless it is found by our justice system to be endangering the immediate life or hindering the means of survival of any person or persons.

Added: We believe in the right for one to possess an appropriate amount of firepower, while regulating manufacturing companies, maintaining background checks, being cognizant of loopholes in regards to private sales; all of this being appropriate enough as to not create an environment of unease but to create a sense of security within the individual.

-We maintain a strong military force, with humility. We have condemnation towards intimidation, antagonization and offensive action.

Please disagree or add to this, because I think it needs a little more.


Won’t let me edit


We do not discriminate on the basis of religion, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation or disability. All our welcome.

Good point


I don't know. I'm more of a mind to just say "Keep Out", but that's just me.
If it tells you anything, I want a doormat that reads, "Come Back With A Warrant".
I'm probably not a good source of information.

Haha. I don’t believe in just free and totally open borders either. There has to be a some standard.

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