...like a secret service agent making a hail mary dive tackle into an incoming bullet while god is doing a book signing or teasing the poor?
Personally I'd gauge itby how they live their lives, just the same as everyone else. But in this list, (things you won't believe are in the bible), [ranker.com] point 21 from this is pretty relevant: if they are Christian then they should love others as they do Jesus...so if they'd take a bullet for Jesus they'd do it for you...if they're true Christians.
my personal favorite ranker.com was "Hot or Not: Most Fuckable Religious Figures"
@WankSkinatra oh gosh! Haven't seen that one...yet.
@girlwithsmiles they just might have removed it.
Right or Wrong I think the idea has some merit, especially for the religious fanatics, regardless of their particular sect.
It's a logical guage. If they truly believe the claptrap, they wouldn't. According to their legends, God is omnipotent and omniscient so would not be harmed by a mere bullet, no matter how shiny. A mortal incaarnation of said god could possibly be harmed, but, meh, they're a dime a dozen.
god's bulletproof vest is at the cleaners, got a terrible stain from his ketchup sandwich.
Pan was a God that died only his pipes remain.
It's certainly a good way to gauge their lack of faith in his omnipotence, since an omnipotent being could not be harmed in any way, let alone by a bullet.
the thing is i don't see why religious folk don't take this approach when people blaspheme. why would an omnipotent force care what some mere mortal has to say about god?