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LINK Clyburn suggests there should be more ‘fact checking’ in next debate -- The Hill

By Lauren Sforza - 06/30/24

Rep. James Clyburn (D-S.C.) suggested that there should be more live fact-checking during the next presidential debate after CNN was criticized for the lack of it last week.

Clyburn said he doesn’t know whether there should be a second debate after President Biden’s poor debate showing on Thursday night on CNN’s “State of the Union.” While speaking to CNN’s Dana Bash, who moderated last week’s debate, he suggested that there was not enough live fact-checking during the debate.

“I think that Joe Biden will do well with the debate. I think it all depends upon what the rules are. I don’t like the debate when nobody will do any fact checking. You just say what you want to say. You know it’s a lie. The guy told 30 some odd lies and nobody checked him on it. Instead that was up to Joe Biden to do,” he told Bash.

“If I asked you a question, and you lied to me with the answer, I would have followed up and give you what the facts are and see what your reaction to that will be. So that to me was not the way to plan the debate. And whoever did that and agreed to that really should think about what they’re doing,” he added.

Bash noted that Biden’s team had agreed to the terms of the debate in her response. Biden’s debate performance last week led many people to call for him to step down from the ticket, causing worry within the Democrat Party.

CNN was criticized for the lack of live fact-checking during the debate with former President Trump and Biden. Many outlets, including CNN, released their own fact-checks of the debate after it concluded. However, Bash and co-moderator Jake Tapper did not offer real-time fact-checks during the performance.

CNN said in a statement to The Hill on Thursday “we are very proud of Jake and Dana. Our job was to make sure candidates were heard so voters can make informed decisions and we are pleased we were able to do that.”

Biden’s campaign has tried to shake off the debate performance, with a White House official saying that Biden was dealing with a cold that night. The day after the debate, an energized Biden delivered remarks to voters in North Carolina to try and quell concerns about his ability to serve a second term.

snytiger6 9 June 30

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Clyburn is just an Uncle Tom black leader, who licks the boots of the DNC. He is trying to put the blame on the corporate media for not fact checking or condemning Trump for his sins, as a distraction from attention on how the DNC has gaslighted Americans for five years now, on how impaired Biden is cognitively. And this distraction won't work, at least when it comes to Biden's certain loss to Trump, if he stays the nominee...


CNN handled that debate in pretty much the same way as Fox Noise might have. Let's let MSNBC have it and put Rachel Maddow in with the modertors.

Trump would never agree to a debate on that network, as they are shameless cheerleaders for the Dem Party, tho they hate progressives like Bernie.

@TomMcGiverin Rachel calls herself an Eisenhour Republican.

@DenoPenno I know, and that's particularly galling to me, since she used to be on Air America, the defunct liberal radio network that was supposed to be a rival to Fox News, and she also continues to be the darling of liberal Democrats who watch MSNBC. MSNBC has no shortage of turncoat Repubs that are on there, promoting the Dem Party line of being liberal on cultural war issues, while being conservative on economic issues, war, and foreign policy.

@TomMcGiverin I don't know about turncoat Repubs. I liked Ike but I was in public school at the time. These days I identify as a Progressive.

@DenoPenno To be honest and fair about it, the term progressive these days, is what socialists now call themselves, because that term has become so toxic and discredited, by the corporate media and with most Americans. I choose to not bow to that smearing, and proudly call myself a democratic socialist, same as Bernie. Most people who still identify themselves as liberals, rather than progressives, are only liberal on culture war issues, and not on economic issues, as they are really quite comfortable with economic inequality, classism, and capitalism as it is.. But they don't want to openly admit those things about themselves, and they get really angry if you confront them about that.

@TomMcGiverin Air America was supposed to a counter to right wing talk radio. Air America did not work out due to a problematic business plan. However most of the hosts went on to host on other radio stations outside of the Air America Network. That is until around 2011 or 2012, when Thom Hartmann was beating Rush Limbaugh in ratings where they competed head to head. Then Clear Channel, a monopoly radio network, changed formats for all of their "liberal" talk radio stations to sports. They (Clear Channel) could not stand that the messages of corporate excesses and greed was getting out and people were picking up on it and liked what they were hearing. So, they chose to kill the messengers.

Rachel Maddow put in a lot of research and fact checked the stories she covered, both when she was on the radio, and later on MSNBC. She is also the ONLY broadcaster I am aware of that still will make on air corrections when she gets something wrong. Edward R. Morrow would be proud of her ethics.

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