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Why no one wants the Palestinians? A pro jewish perspective?

There are huge pro Jewish propaganda issues in this that are simply glossed over. However the video does present 75+ years timeline that omits one huge aspect - Jewish paranoia that has resulted in their barbaric reaction to create the genocidal ghettos for ever increasing numbers of Palestinians made prisoner untermenschen. Other issues - the water supply from Syria sounds like theft of another country's resource, no mention of the $ billions poured into Israel, no mention of the illegal actions against Palestinians for 75+ years. No mention of CIA\ USA manipulation to overthrow neighbouring countries showing signs of not wanting US hegemony. . . Please give your thoughts & comments particularly if referenced to further evidence.
FrayedBear 9 June 30

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We had 23 years of UK, European and US demonisation of the middle eastern people AY-Rabs as our American cousin like to call them, or Muslamics as the leader of the UK BNP branded them, basically anyone a bit browner and north African or Asian but not Chinese looking... "Other".
So now the general white Moron sees Israelis, torturing and killing these media promoted "Terrorists" and the cognitive dissonance, kicks in, "oh, yeah they are women and children, buuuuuuuuttttttt, they are "terrorist" women and children, but still, the people killing them look a lot like us and talk like Jackie Mason and Woody Allen sort of... erm I don't know what to think, somebody tell me how I should feel about this...PLEASE!!!!"

What nationality & ethnicity would you put on this man?


I've just received from a diligent correspondent the following report providing refutation of the Israeli Jews bad intentions:

The weaponization of the Jordan River to dispossess Palestinians and expand settlement reflects Israel’s larger vision for colonizing Palestine, seen today in Gaza, too. The Conflict and Environment Observatory has warned that widespread bombing, destruction of infrastructure, and unplanned mass graves could poison Gaza’s groundwater for years to come. Almost half of the territory’s agricultural land has already been destroyed. []

@LenHazell53 - I didn't expect a 👍 emoji from you in response but then I'm rarely subtle.

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