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More evidence of Israeli Jews genocide of Gazan Palestinians and USA being complicit in the barbarity.

Israel deliberately destroyed all of Gaza’s hospitals with US approval and support []
Israel deliberately destroyed all of Gaza’s hospitals with US approval and support
Published: 11 Jul 2024 | 11:23 GMT Robert Inlakesh
There’s not a single functional medical facility left in the enclave, while the direct and indirect death toll could be approaching 200,000

Lobotomise the lot of them.

FrayedBear 9 July 11

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"Israel says that Hamas operates inside and underneath hospitals, and is using them for military operations, including as command centers, weapons stores and to hide hostages."

And they have been proven to be lying bastards.

Part of the planned genocide of Palestinians in which USA is complicit because they want the natural assets of oil, land & strategic location by simple robbery. The Jews also do not want heirs to those murderedby them who will in future be able to sue for compensation hence the targeting of women & children. . . Not nice people that you are supporting with your reiteration of their propaganda.





Isreal military bases are in the most densely civilian population. Do Hama's have to kill the vast majority of Isrealis civilians in order to totally eliminate the Isreal military.? Isrealis have the same human rights as Palestinians, if not, this person is inhumane or unhuman.

@FrayedBear Not supporting either side. War is ridiculous. You would think that at this point in our history humans could learn work out differences instead of sending people to kill each other. .

@Bobbie63 Sadly encouraging common sense is rarely as profitable provoking idiots in to behaving like savages.
Saving or destroying lives is only is determined by numbers on the bottom lie on a balance sheet today

@LenHazell53 this now extends to every day life. Try phoning a government department, hospital, doctor's surgery, large business & be told that abusive language will not be tolerated. An oily well practiced voice then proceeds to feed you a load of bs, frequently outright lying or gaslighting, all designed to provoke you into being angry.
My response now is to simply state at outset of conversation that I'm elderly & will not tolerate elder abuse which will result in complaint being made. Elder abuse includes gaslighting & lies for excuses or systemic flaws in standard operating procedures that result in my being offended.

0 again. Maybe you can get Putin to help.

Sorry, what do you mean by that?

@Jolanta thought that you knew Jo, he's an American Judaist troll of very limited acumen if not elderly brain acuity decline.

@FrayedBear So now we name call. Do I get to call you a Putin troll?

@DenoPenno I am waiting.

@DenoPenno like your silence proves that my assertion is correct my denial of your childish slander proves my statement.

@FrayedBear WTF are you talking about? Do you think people will simply agree with you and that we come on here to banter back and forth like kids? My silence proves that I did not answer until now. I also may chose not to go back and forth with this and it proves nothing. I can make a comment and stop. I am doing battle with no one.

@Jolanta RT is an international news corporation based in Russia, some people believe that anything reported by said corporation is suspect, if if backed up by other news outlets, other believe that the western media is so inherently biased that RT is one of the few news outlets carrying out honest reporting.
Since early in the Ukraine war most western countries (USA UK AUSTRALIA) have made broadcasting RT on TV a criminal offense and have all firewalled it out of the internet in their respective territories, many feel "The lady doth protest too much"
In American many people think watching RT is tantamount to treason and is only done by Russian spies, when you could be watching such reliable unbiased news services as Faux News

@LenHazell53 I have seen some programs on RT and have found it very interesting. A lot of the programs on it have also been on other news agencies and the content have been verified. RT is as any other agency skewed to what the owners want but will also tell the truth a lot of times. Not all programs have anything to do with money or power there.

@Jolanta use the app on your phone

@Jolanta, @LenHazell53 Len I've never had a problem with not being able to access the RT app here in Australia.

@FrayedBear Thanks.

@Jolanta you may find that if reposting RT material here then some may not be able to access it unless they do as Len suggests & use a VPN browser like DuckDuckGo :

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