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You really have some amazing fuckwits representing you Americans in your governing bodies. The latest example is USA should nuke Gaza to get it over with. - Brains on steroids or just true representation of the American people?

Walberg & Graham calling for the nuking of Gaza -


Along with the Israeli psychopathic Jews, Biden, Obama & Trump it sounds like these two should also be lobotomised.

FrayedBear 9 July 12

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Can't even say the G word, like we couldn't once say the Zionist word. Too late for that now.

#Stupid fuckwits


Optimism Len?


Does it take nuking to end the nuking?

No it only takes one, the subsequent nuclear winter will take care of the rest of us.

@LenHazell53 becoming demented & so wanting to meet his dog?

@FrayedBear I don't have a dog. What dog are you meeting?

@DenoPenno sarcasm for god.

Ronald Ragan wrote a book on how to win a nuclear war.

Yeah... rrrrright


An Aussie asks that?

Does it matter what the nationality of the questioner is?
I think that here in Australia you would be arrested for inciting racial hatred & genocide.

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