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Will the Jews now claim this sketch is anti semitic?

The Monty Python sketch turning the English race into Scotsmen.

FrayedBear 9 July 13

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I can’t see why “the Jews” (a silly singular monolithic construct on your part) would. Your repetitive obsession with “the Jews” on the other hand…maybe so. I find that disturbing myself.

The 'converted' Scotsmen's first action & continuous display is to have a right hand salute akin to the Third Reich's or Black Power's. I was recently told that thanks to Jewish lobbying it is now illegal in Australia to make this salute just as it is to fly the swastika flag or deny the holocaust. Strangely it is not illegal to deny the genocide of Roma, Sinti etc. from WWII, Cambodians from Pol Pot 's genocide, Ruandan Tutsi, West Papuans threatening Améican theft of copper by Indonesians, but it is illegal to sexually mutilate Muslim women & girls but not Jewish boys.
It is not an obsession on my part, just refusal to be complicit through silence on the reality of these matters.

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